Infinite Diegesis
Andrew Sunderland
27th October - 10th December 2017
I have this strange feeling that I can’t put into words. The feeling of rhythm, or lack of. My body feels strange; out of sync, but mechanised somehow. Always simulating routine, acting out labour, repeating, looping.
A repetitious loop seems far more familiar than the erratic noise of silence.
Culture produces irrational rhythms. The universe expands as we build worlds for ourselves. We create technologies to facilitate wormholes, to bring our universes towards other’s universes. But these are our worlds, and we decide the speed, right?
If there was once an industrialised rhythm to society, a universal speed to this universe, then it no longer exists.
An infinitude of polyrhythmic flesh, a multitude of timescales. The future endlessly transmogrifies into an image that looks a lot like ‘me’.
We produce everything together, yet we envy the individual that produces.
Mimesis mediates matter.
We need to imagine how we might listen together.
We need to listen to the extradiegetic music that soundtracks our existence.
Only then might we obtain Infinite diegesis.
Abri de Swardt / AJA / Alexis Milne / Alison Ballance / Anastasia Vikhornova & Carlos Monleon Gendal & Patchfinder / Anne De Boer / Ben Jeans Houghton / Brood Ma / Carl Gent & Perple Celotape / Chooc Ly Tan / Dane Sutherland / Dezu De Campos / Dylan Spencer-Davidson / Edward Herring / Eloise Bonneviot / Emily Rosamund / Endgame / Iain Ball / Ian Law / Jim Woodhall / Joey Holder / Justin Fitzpatrick / Katharine Fry / Maria Gorodeckaya / Matthew De Kersaint Giraudeau / MBJ Wetware / Nicholas Cheveldave / Pacific Drift / Paul Good & Kirsty Wood / Recsund / Saemundur Thor Helgason / Sarah Duffy / Seth Guy & NX Panther / Sophie Hoyle / Tex Royale /