Joey Holder  /  BORA  /  00 Zhang  /  Yifan Hé  /  Charly Ivy  /  Jenn Leung  /  Romane Courdacher

Performances: Soojin Chang & M. Elizabeth Scott  /  David Varhegyi  /  Phantom Arena  /  Sarahsonn  /  Giora  /  Kiik Amor  /  飞飞

Curated by Kiik Amor / Jordan Edge

26th April - 19th May 2024 

Have you ever wondered what It might be like to just rip off your face, just like.. rip it off? become a hypa-god, a demon-lord? Eternally now, Eternally hypa-present?.. Eternally phixed, phixated???

I’ll ask you once but I won’t ask you again. You are not present, you don’t experience, you fall at the rotational frequencies, do not come here…

You reflect light, you see aura, you burst light, you feel flora. Come the creatures, come the faithful fail from among the children. You are welcome here… Angel Plasma, Organ Fountain, speak OH spring song spirits, angels breath, exxtra spirit, accept force, come be with it.

The gig-economy rules us, owns us, develops a soul within ours, techno-c*nting-utopia, I eat my phone and it becomes…

Fangs of essence, nails for eyes, soft creatures present, absorb the cries.. Fluffy muffin, fluffy fluffy muffin puffin.

The Portal is open, throw in your dreams, throw in your angels + demons, it can only get better? Or hypa-phixatedly worse? Or maybe awe inspired beautifully hypa-crafted? CRADAPTED, HYPA-PHIXED, DOLPHIN-PLASTIC, GLASSCORE-TASTIC.

Souls upon flesh nor flesh upon souls, Welcome.

HYPA-PHIXED mixed reality event at Alt_R

Photographer credits: Nishant Shukla, Jordan Edge, Edward Sogunro, Gossamer Fog